Monday, October 25, 2010

16 Weeks Out

The time has finally come, time to drop everything, put my head down and go to work. I haven't stepped on stage since Aug 2009 and I almost feel like I have forgotten how to know it'll come back quick though.
I am on day 2 of the diet and am already feeling great. There is a ton of food in my diet so I don't even know if I can call it that. I'm eating over 5000 calories all from clean food and somehow it really feels like I'm gonna get bigger as I get leaner going into this thing. As it stands now I have already added about 10lbs of contest weight to my frame and if I can gain another 5lbs during this diet its gonna be lights out for the competition!
So that's all the positive side of things for you but surely there must be a downside to dieting right? Well here it is. Since I have gained about 10lbs like a mentioned, cardio has become I have no idea how someone Ronnie or Jay's size gets through 45min on the stairs with all that muscle. In all honesty I think I will get used to it in the next week or so but for now it feels like I'm walking up stairs with cinder blocks attached to my legs!
Being this heavy and most of it being muscle is much harder than when I was a fatter 290lbs starting my diets. The stepmill is no joke and being on it for 45min is a true test of how bad you want to work. The extra muscle mass is not only heavier but also takes more oxygen to keep it fuelled. I think I'm going to buy a small oxygen tank and strap it to my back for the next week or
Alright, enough whining, I had to get it out though. I don't want you guys to think I'm all smiles. The best part about the diet is now you all will get to see the real me. Its 16 weeks out now and I'm still cheery but as the weeks dwindle down you will be reading a much different blog say around the four week mark. I become obsessive about everything, I become a shop-aholic, I become agitated, intense and powerful all at the same time. I can't even explain it I guess you will all have to follow along for the next four months and see for yourself.
So on to other business. The website is finally done, I guess you could say that. Its launched but I still have some things I want to fix up here and there but the basic set up will not change from here on out. For a while anyway. Please get on and check it out at and sign up for my free newsletter and get in for the free members section while you can. Only the first 1000 members are free!
Enough of that. I went out for dinner last week with some friends and it was brought to my attention that one of my friends was having some trouble with BBing and what its all about. I guess he is torn about what the point really is. I just wanted to touch on this for a minute before I go. I have been through many days in my career when I sat and thought 'what am I doing, do I really want to be doing this?'. Those days are the tough ones when you contemplate everything. Why am I eating all this food? Why do I have to drink all these powders? Why do I have to go to the gym instead of going out? Why am I sitting here in pain from a leg workout and I can barely walk?..okay skip the last one I actually love that
Point is, we all have bad days, sometimes even weeks where things aren't going right and it seems like you just aren't doing what you're supposed to in life. The way I see it, everyone goes through those times in any serious endeavour they take on in life. The business man who is away from his family for weeks at a time, the office worker who is working four hours past there shift getting home at 10pm, the MMA fighter who can't win a fight, the actor or actress who can't get a gig, the salesperson who just doesn't want to go out for another drink but knows its part of the job. I know all of these people and they all wrestle with the same issues we do from time to time.
Bodybuilders and people who are around bodybuilding I have found like to isolate themselves, like only we go through these hardships or somehow ours are different from other people. Sure, our chosen profession/hobby is harder than any other on earth but trust me, other people are going through the same hardships in their own life. Its fine to sit and contemplate your choices in life and its always okay to have a bad day, we all have them. What I find to be sad is when outside influences take you away from what you really love. When you let those bad days get a hold of you and take you off course.
If you love going to the gym, if you love eating all your meals and feeling healthy, if you don't want to go to the club every weekend, there is nothing wrong with you. Don't let that crazy uncle tell you just because your eating chicken and broccoli and not cake that you're crazy. Next time that happens ask them why its fine that their guzzling a beer while golfing at 9am? Or why its ok to light a big fat cigar and sit in a smoke filled room eating Cheetos just because your playing cards?
What we do is not 'normal'(who knows what normal is anymore anyway), but its what we do because we love it. If you have a dream, a goal or you just want to feel good and live life on your own terms, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Deep down we are all a little nuts, we just choose to show it in different ways. For me, its painting myself dark, oiling myself up, dawning my nicest banana hammock, getting up in front of thousands of people and showing what they can achieve with a little elbow grease. (that visuals gotta tug at your heart

Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad

1 comment:

Michael CastaƱeda said...

Great read. I'm in law school and I also strive to live the bodybuilding lifestyle as well. There has been a lot of times recently were I questioned myself to be in law school and the gym, but this article was definitely something I needed to hear. Good stuff.