Well, I must be five weeks out because its 5am and I am sitting in front of the computer and NOT SLEEPING! It drives me crazy, I went to bed at like 2am and have been up every hour since then looking at the clock hoping its time for me to start my cardio. I can't really start cardio until about 7am because if I do it before then that means I have to eat my breakfast after that and then my day has started way to early. So I try and time it so I start cardio at 7am and eat my first meal around 8:30am.
Its amazing how the body reacts to having such little bodyfat on it. In the offseason some of you know me as 'Hoss' because I get so heavy, I sleep like a bear in that phase of the year. I go to bed at around 2am and wake up around 2pm the next day. I also feel sorry for anyone sleeping next to me in the offseason because I think I snore like a bear also..lol.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I have noticed a dramatic change in the way I feel this year while dieting and I think a few factors have played into that. As most of you know I am working with Hany this year and he opted to keep me lean this offseason. He wanted to see how my body would react since I have never stayed lean in the offseason before now. I started my contest diet at 271lbs. That might be confusing to some of you since I reported a heavier weight but trust me I wasn't lying I just didn't know. The scale at my gym was 8lbs off! Whats the point of even having a scale if its 8lbs off!..lol.
I went out and bought a new scale and realized I was 271lbs at the start of my diet and as I just stepped on the scale now I was 263lbs. The crazy thing about that is I've only lost 8lbs since the start of the diet 9 weeks ago. I normally only diet for about 9 weeks and I usually drop anywhere from 40-50lbs by contest time. I think this year its going to be more like 20lbs if not maybe a little less.
The point to all of this is the ongoing debate of getting big and fat in the offseason or staying leaner in the offseason. I was a firm believer in getting as big as a house and then shedding all the fat until this year. I have now realized that going a little over is essential for growth but getting sloppy fat (like me at 301lbs...jeez) is not necessary.
In my closet I have about three sets of clothing. One for 'fat offseason Fouad', one for 'started dieting not so fat Fouad' and the last one if 'ripped can finally fit into jeans Fouad'. The nice thing this year was eliminating one of those sets of clothing. I had 'kinda chubby' and 'lean', it makes life much easier, any of you guys out there that love to eat and pack on the pounds know exactly what I'm talking about.
Last but most importantly, I'm a little crazy this time around but as you can see from my previous blogs not nearly as much as years past. Since I didn't get crazy fat this year I don't have to restrict my calories really at all while dieting. I'm still eating in the 4-5000 cal range and loving it. My mood is much better, my friends and family all actually want to be around me this time..lol. Normally I'm a complete ass to be around when I'm dieting. I think having a good support system without outside pressures or negativity's has also really helped keep me levelled out.
I know bodybuilding is an individual and selfish sport, so I thought all these years. As I get older and get into the business of making this my life I have realized that every ounce of help you can get from anyone around you, girlfriend, friends, family, fans, trainer, anyone, its all so important to what the final product ends up looking like. I think if you are happy while training and you have good people around you, not only is the contest diet much easier but you can remain at peace with yourself while you get ready for the one big day you have been gunning for, for 14 weeks. I think it also shows in the way someone looks on contest day, so I hope. If I look like shit this year I'm going back to being an ass, since it worked before..lol.
The excitement for the show has become completely evident this week as we get into the last few weeks here. Before this week, I was feeling very easy going about it and actually wasn't thinking about the show itself that much. This week it has begun to hit me, fans emailing me about it being my first pro win or top three placings, its all very flattering and exciting. With that excitement comes pressure. I feel like the pressure is on now to take my physique and my career to the next level and I am trying to make it happen now. I don't want to wait another year of offseason to rebuild, I have put in the time and I need to make that impact now and that's the kind of pressure I have begun to feel. Its better this way because I work better under pressure, this will only make me stronger.
The great but sad thing is my three brothers are all coming to the show to see me kick some ass. I have to tell you that they are loving but ruthless and if I go out there and give anything less than a stellar performance they are going to rip me a new one for weeks after...lol. Gotta love good family!
Sacrifice Without Regret,
Fouad 'Hoss' Abiad